In an effort to recognize those local employers who have demonstrated excellence in the workplace, and to provide certainty to jobseekers, the Wilson Chamber of Commerce has launched the Employer of Distinction program. In order for an employer to merit the Employer of Distinction designation, they must self-report conditions that distinguish the organization as a safe and desirable place to work, and a place where employees feel valued. The Chamber uses a rubric that measures employer excellence in 10 categories, and assigns a corresponding point value which is self-reported by the employer. Employers who report having achieved no less than 225 points (of a possible 300), earn the title “Employer of Distinction”. Employers who achieve the maximum score of 300 qualify as a “Blue Ribbon Employer of Distinction”.
The Chamber will maintain and promote a published list of Employers of Distinction in Wilson. Employers of Distinction will receive a letter of recognition that officially announces their designation, along with a recognition plaque and digital decal.
To qualify for the Employer of Distinction designation, the employer must complete the rubric questionnaire. The completed rubric will be scored by the Wilson Chamber of Commerce, and if found to meet or exceed 225 points, the employer will be invited to become an Employer of Distinction. An employer who accepts this invitation will pay an enrollment fee according to their business size:
- Large employer (100+ full-time equivalent employees in Wilson): $750
- Medium employer (10-99 full-time equivalent employees in Wilson): $500
- Small employer (fewer than 10 full-time equivalent employees in Wilson): $250
Once enrolled, the Employer of Distinction designation is valid for five years, after which, a new application must be submitted to the Wilson Chamber of Commerce.